forensic psychologist
forensic psychologist
Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. PA forensic psychologist and expert witness
Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. PA forensic psychologist and expert witness


Click on a link to the left to view either of my blogs - on false arrests, or on HIPAA.



Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D.. PA

305 Pine Tree Dr,

Dothan AL 36303


Phone: (863) 386-0276

toll free (800) 919-9008

Fax: (863) 204-4679

Email: drborkosky at gmail dot com

Dr. Borkosky's practice is limited to telehealth at the present time.


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updated 9/5/16
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© 2013, Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D.